Understanding How Context API Works
Hey if you are a React or JavaScript geek then it’s 100% sure that you have heard this word Context API probably in Twitter or somewhere in Medium post and trust me this API is nothing less than a first-class API. So here i don’t have to write and give introduction to what is Context API, what it solves out and why you should use this new Context API as i might not be able to put it in the right way. Instead of that i will be sharing a link to Kent C Dodds blog post where you can easily know about this Context API.
So please head over to this post “React’s New Context API” authored by Kent C Dodds
So now let’s head over to Wes Bos video to understand on how Context API works and in this vide Wes shows some examples on 3 things including Context, Provider, and Consumer. Wes shows how you can implement this new Context into your app.
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